I'm pregnant! How many times do you get to post that? So I'm going to get the most out of it. I was on a website and someone posted about taking the time to enjoy your pregnancy even when you are not feeling your best because this will be the only time that you will ever be pregnant with this child and have these kind of connections. I guess that is true. I try to remember that and take moments out of my day to just reflect with the baby and hopefully it can feel how much I love and care for it already. I try to send as many vibes as I can.
Oh man. Keeping this kind of secret has been so, so, hard. I can't believe I went 11 weeks without telling anyone. I didn't even tell my mom whom I practically speak to every day. The cool thing about not telling was Mr. Blog and I had something that just he and I shared. The bad thing about not sharing was there was a point where I was driving Mr. Blog crazy with all of my uh, knowledge :).
So here's a recap of how I broke it to the 'rents:
Mr. Blog's parents came up to take us out to Market Broiler(dope fish restaurant based in the IE) as a belated birthday gift. Actually, the part that it was so belated was partly my doing. I had her push back the date they were coming to visit until after my first ultrasound. I told my parents that they should stop by and visit and go out with us. I didn't tell the inlaws my parents were coming b/c I didn't want them to get suspicious-whew. The plans almost fell through at one point when my mom informed me that she was not going to be able to make it at the scheduled time and would just meet us at the restaraunt (this would have seriously derailed the plans as you will see in a moment). One hormonal meltdown/tantrum and she and my dad arrived as scheduled :). Yes, I'm a brat at heart! While all of the parents were milling around chatting I used my teacher skills to get their attention. I told them that Mr. Blog had bought me a cake to celebrate my birthday and asked if everyone could have a piece before we left. The grumbling started (as I knew it would). No one wants cake before they go out to dinner? Who knew? I suggested that they just take a look at the design b/c Mr. Blog worked really hard at picking it out. They didn't have a problem with that. I flipped the lid of the bakery box and this is what they saw:

The cake: white, with butter cream and strawberry filling. Von's Pavillions at the Plaza did such a good job on the design. All I told them was the lettering, to use pink and blue, and to decorate it like a baby shower cake. I love their cakes and have been looking for an excuse to get one made. This was perfect. Both moms leaned over the cake. MIL read it slowly at first, then my mom read it, and then it sunk in. MIL said later at first she questioned the color choice and was thinking that her son had picked me up a discount cake. The u/s pics came out of hiding (they were turned backwards on the fridge) and after much screaming and crying we left for the restarant. Both moms said they were glad we told them together and my MIL said that she has never been surprised that she usually has an idea of something going on but had none at all. Go me!! The dad's were there and gave us love too.
I'll leave you with a joke from my adorable six year old niece:
Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Tameka who?
Tameka's having a baby!