A dozen beautiful red roses!

Then Mr. Blog proceeded to make me a breakfast of hash browns, waffles, and sausage.
After breakfast, Mr. Blog and I went to Babiesrus to get some last minute things and use our completion certificate and gift cards. We were able to get over $100 of stuff for $30. That was nice. Next, we went to my parents for a bbq. I love my dad's bbq. I've already put in a request for it once the baby is born :P. Well my family surprised me too. Check it out:

They bought me the bath, lamp for the nursery, baby book (I've been stressing about this b/c I wanted to take it to the hospital to get the baby's foot and hand prints ), and a Coach purse and wallet!
I'm excited to meet my son but I am nervous at the same time. I am truly blessed to have the love and support of family and friends and that strength has been pulling me through. I'm really scarred at the thought of delivery. I cry when I get a shot! Haha. But, all the support and excitement has got me caught up too. I don't think it will be a piece of cake, but I am coming to peace with everything. I better right? I only have 12 days until D day.