So...it's summer time and guess who is home with the babe? Me! Since daycare has ended we'll be together a little over a month. I love that the daycare has a curriculum, program, fun and no access to TV. I on the other hand have none of those things at home for Royce. Yes, I know-- but I don't teach 13 month olds. The students I teach come to me reading, writing, walking and you know--speaking. There are many blogs out there that list activities that you can do with your little ones. They are great! But I am a research head and I just get bogged down sometimes clicking through link after link after link. I was in Ross one day when a book caught my eye: Play and Learn 1001 fun activities for your baby and child. It was developed by Gymboree and literally covers activities from birth to 5 years old. The activities are numbered all the way to 1001. Without going on Amazon or Google to look at all the reviews and see how many stars, and who said this or that, I decided to go this "old school" and purchased the book. Besides at $6 or so dollars what did I have to loose? Royce and I will complete at least one of the activities together every day. When I was standing in the store looking through the book I had a lot of "Oh yeah" moments. There were many activities that I have done or are aware of but don't put into practice very often. I'm hoping that my challenge will change that and maybe even inspire me. Yesterday we completed task #402 read together. We read two of his board books I Love You through and Through and Shades of Black. I was only going to read one but when I was done reading he requested I read another book he spied near by. We also walked to the neighborhood park and took his Iron Man Ball with us that he received at a party. We handed it back and forth #410 have a ball and even completed #360 share the social niceties by saying please, and thank you while we were doing it. I think a lot of kids now days don't have the same old school manners we use to and I'd like him to have them. Today we completed #339 finger paint bags. Instead of finger paint we used dot-art and I used an old Trader Joe bag for the paper. All in all I think we are off to a great start.

The teeth marks in the spine just means he reallllllly enjoys the book.

Taken by his dad--hehe. At least he caught his famous smile :)