Thanks to the original poster of this Q&A
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Gift bags! My wrapping skills leave much to be desired. If you see anything wrapped it was from Mr. Blog--he is our resident wrapper.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Can't smell pine over here.
3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? When I get tired of looking at it.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, and Lactaid brand makes an especially good one for all of the other lactose free folks.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Most memorable? Barbie dream house-age 6. Santa really worked hard putting that one together. It was too stories and even had a fridge with pullout items.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Everyone! I like to make my gifts really personal.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Myself---yes, I get myself something :P
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, we're still working on the decoration thing.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I'm not doing Christmas cards.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A Baby Skates doll that never skated. My parents returned it one or two times only to bring another home that wouldn't skate. Baby Skates! Hmph!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Sound of Music
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The last minute.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies and Eggnog
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, always. We conserve energy and only have them on when we're in the living room with the tree.
17. Favorite Christmas song? The complete Steve Lawerence and Edie Gorme record. It's a classic.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I've never traveled just go to my mom's house.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Let's see--Donner, Dasher, Blitzen, Rudolph, Prancer....that's all I've got.
20. Angel on the treetop, star or…? Right now I have an angel on top that one of my childhood friends made in a middle school activity class and gave to my mom who gave it to me.
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Lately it's been Christmas Eve at Midnight (so technically Christmas morning) b/c my dad has to work on Chirstmas.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Mean shoppers who like to walk into pregnant ladies!
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? One year I will do a theme this year it's just a rainbow of colors and ornaments.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Uggs and I bought them for myself last week. Merry Christmas to me! They are like walking around in slippers all day. I think they have become my official weekend shoe.
25. Most favorite Christmas Tradition? The cookie baking.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
We have a heart beat! Well one that we can hear anyway. Mr. B and I got to hear it on Thursday. He said it sounded like a techno song. We are relieved that it sounds nice and strong. Next up is the bigggggg ultra sound. We get to schedule that in 2-5 weeks. I want to wait as close to 20 weeks as I can so the baby will be all nice and big. We actually get a 4-D at the hospital. If I wasn't getting one of those from the hospital I wouldn't be getting one. My reasoning for this is I want to find out the sex and I want to be surprised about something...about looks. My other reason is from what I've seen of the 4D the pictures come out to reveal some kind of stay puff marshmallow baby. The features appear very distorted. I'm thinking seeing a distorted pic of my baby will freak me out even more then I am already freaked out now. I guess we will see. I was very surprised that a 4d is given through the hospital in the first place b/c I've heard that most people go to off site centers for that. I am looking forward to seeing the baby again though. Plus they are going to be doing a scan of the heart,and brain along with the anatomy. The Dr. said 4D is the best for that.
Another thing that has me going is childcare. Wowwww! As my friend so eloquently said it is the equivilant to rent, plus you have to supply your own food and diapers. Yikes! Our baby is gonna be out of diapers by the age of 1!!! Maybe even sooner (this is according to its father) :). I'm already having attatchment issues I'm not even sure if I want to leave my baby with someone, at some school, or a home.....or anywhere. I've been reading that the first 3years are crucial for development and my baby will be somewhere-- all day-- without me. I want to be there when they say their first word, crawl, take their first step. I'm really not sure what I'm going to do at this point. I'm already having seperation anxiety. Crazy huh? I wonder if other mothers go through this?
Another thing that has me going is childcare. Wowwww! As my friend so eloquently said it is the equivilant to rent, plus you have to supply your own food and diapers. Yikes! Our baby is gonna be out of diapers by the age of 1!!! Maybe even sooner (this is according to its father) :). I'm already having attatchment issues I'm not even sure if I want to leave my baby with someone, at some school, or a home.....or anywhere. I've been reading that the first 3years are crucial for development and my baby will be somewhere-- all day-- without me. I want to be there when they say their first word, crawl, take their first step. I'm really not sure what I'm going to do at this point. I'm already having seperation anxiety. Crazy huh? I wonder if other mothers go through this?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
She's having a baby!

I'm pregnant! How many times do you get to post that? So I'm going to get the most out of it. I was on a website and someone posted about taking the time to enjoy your pregnancy even when you are not feeling your best because this will be the only time that you will ever be pregnant with this child and have these kind of connections. I guess that is true. I try to remember that and take moments out of my day to just reflect with the baby and hopefully it can feel how much I love and care for it already. I try to send as many vibes as I can.
Oh man. Keeping this kind of secret has been so, so, hard. I can't believe I went 11 weeks without telling anyone. I didn't even tell my mom whom I practically speak to every day. The cool thing about not telling was Mr. Blog and I had something that just he and I shared. The bad thing about not sharing was there was a point where I was driving Mr. Blog crazy with all of my uh, knowledge :).
So here's a recap of how I broke it to the 'rents:
Mr. Blog's parents came up to take us out to Market Broiler(dope fish restaurant based in the IE) as a belated birthday gift. Actually, the part that it was so belated was partly my doing. I had her push back the date they were coming to visit until after my first ultrasound. I told my parents that they should stop by and visit and go out with us. I didn't tell the inlaws my parents were coming b/c I didn't want them to get suspicious-whew. The plans almost fell through at one point when my mom informed me that she was not going to be able to make it at the scheduled time and would just meet us at the restaraunt (this would have seriously derailed the plans as you will see in a moment). One hormonal meltdown/tantrum and she and my dad arrived as scheduled :). Yes, I'm a brat at heart! While all of the parents were milling around chatting I used my teacher skills to get their attention. I told them that Mr. Blog had bought me a cake to celebrate my birthday and asked if everyone could have a piece before we left. The grumbling started (as I knew it would). No one wants cake before they go out to dinner? Who knew? I suggested that they just take a look at the design b/c Mr. Blog worked really hard at picking it out. They didn't have a problem with that. I flipped the lid of the bakery box and this is what they saw:

The cake: white, with butter cream and strawberry filling. Von's Pavillions at the Plaza did such a good job on the design. All I told them was the lettering, to use pink and blue, and to decorate it like a baby shower cake. I love their cakes and have been looking for an excuse to get one made. This was perfect. Both moms leaned over the cake. MIL read it slowly at first, then my mom read it, and then it sunk in. MIL said later at first she questioned the color choice and was thinking that her son had picked me up a discount cake. The u/s pics came out of hiding (they were turned backwards on the fridge) and after much screaming and crying we left for the restarant. Both moms said they were glad we told them together and my MIL said that she has never been surprised that she usually has an idea of something going on but had none at all. Go me!! The dad's were there and gave us love too.
I'll leave you with a joke from my adorable six year old niece:
Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Tameka who?
Tameka's having a baby!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Take a Bow
I love turning 29! So far this almost to 30 thing has worked out pretty well. I am definitely feeling the love! Thanks for the wishes and gifts everyone. I know it sounds cliche but I really did not expect anything so any and everything was a surprise.
Yesterday Mr. Blog took me to the Candlelight Dinner Pavilion to see the play Guys and Dolls. We went to the matinee. I'd been there once before to see Dream Girls a few years back and I loved it so much. Mr. Blog made the reservations himself and set everything up and he really did a good job. When I was there the first time I sat on the ground floor, had a delicious dinner, and watched a marvelous show (it was better then the movie version with Jennifer Hudson and Eddie Murphey). This time around we were in the Sapphire room, a private room at the top of the theatre. I have never been in a sky box before. It was so cool. We had two waiters, one to pour water and one that checked on us and brought our meal (for me stuffed chicken breast with roasted veggies and for him tri-tip with a baked potato and roasted veggies)/dessert( we shared the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich-peanut butter ice cream with strawberry sorbet sandwiched between butter cookies and drizzled with strawberry reduction). When I left to go to the bathroom I looked back at the door and noticed there was a peephole on the other side. I guess that is for them to look in on you in case you need something. It was so nice just being up there with just the two of us and to think when he told me got a "booth" I complained about it and said he should have just got us seats on the ground floor again. So picky....
The show was pretty good. We both had never seen it before and Mr. Blog had never been to a dinner theatre. We really enjoyed the performer who played Sarah one of the title characters. She was outstanding and we agreed that she out sang everyone on the stage. Keeping in mind I've never seen it I think the audio could have been a bit louder and some of the #'s seemed like they lacked the full energy the scene called for if you know what I mean.
After the show we came home and rested and then Mr. Blog took me to Cabazon to buy a new Coach. I'm not one to get something just because someone is paying for it so I didn't end up with anything. I love, love, love Coach but to me it seems like the outlet is not getting the quality it used to so I guess I have to stick to $$$ the retail stores. We ended up going on a mini shopping spree for me and I got clothes instead. You can't wear a Coach purse after all and I desperately need clothes. Well, that is my Sunday update. Have a great week!
Yesterday Mr. Blog took me to the Candlelight Dinner Pavilion to see the play Guys and Dolls. We went to the matinee. I'd been there once before to see Dream Girls a few years back and I loved it so much. Mr. Blog made the reservations himself and set everything up and he really did a good job. When I was there the first time I sat on the ground floor, had a delicious dinner, and watched a marvelous show (it was better then the movie version with Jennifer Hudson and Eddie Murphey). This time around we were in the Sapphire room, a private room at the top of the theatre. I have never been in a sky box before. It was so cool. We had two waiters, one to pour water and one that checked on us and brought our meal (for me stuffed chicken breast with roasted veggies and for him tri-tip with a baked potato and roasted veggies)/dessert( we shared the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich-peanut butter ice cream with strawberry sorbet sandwiched between butter cookies and drizzled with strawberry reduction). When I left to go to the bathroom I looked back at the door and noticed there was a peephole on the other side. I guess that is for them to look in on you in case you need something. It was so nice just being up there with just the two of us and to think when he told me got a "booth" I complained about it and said he should have just got us seats on the ground floor again. So picky....
The show was pretty good. We both had never seen it before and Mr. Blog had never been to a dinner theatre. We really enjoyed the performer who played Sarah one of the title characters. She was outstanding and we agreed that she out sang everyone on the stage. Keeping in mind I've never seen it I think the audio could have been a bit louder and some of the #'s seemed like they lacked the full energy the scene called for if you know what I mean.
After the show we came home and rested and then Mr. Blog took me to Cabazon to buy a new Coach. I'm not one to get something just because someone is paying for it so I didn't end up with anything. I love, love, love Coach but to me it seems like the outlet is not getting the quality it used to so I guess I have to stick to $$$ the retail stores. We ended up going on a mini shopping spree for me and I got clothes instead. You can't wear a Coach purse after all and I desperately need clothes. Well, that is my Sunday update. Have a great week!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I H A T E Ants!
Isn't it supposed to be fall or something? What is with all of this ant business? Mr. Blog and I were up till midnight scrubbing down every counter in our kitchen and then when we turned around they were coming out of cracks and stuff. We scrub the floors they switch to the counter, we scrub the counter they switch to the floor. I mean seriously there is no food in any room but the kitchen. It is crazy. We bought traps from Home Depot but I guess they are not enough. They worked last year :/. I guess we have created super ants with a high immunity or something. I should have known it was gonna be bad when this summer I couldn't even step into the backyard without seeing ants trailing up and down my stocks of corn, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Ugh. I finally had enough when I decided to make myself breakfast this morning only to be welcomed by the resurgent army. I called in an order to Farmer Boys and went to my moms to get a referral coupon. Did I mention I hate them? If you don't hear from me again it might be because they carried me away.
Note to ants: You belong outside and not inside. That way I don't have to call the Orkin man at the tune of $105 to come and show you the way out!
Note to ants: You belong outside and not inside. That way I don't have to call the Orkin man at the tune of $105 to come and show you the way out!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Guess Who's Back?
Its been a long time--I shouldn't have left you--without a dope beat to step to :). It has almost been a year......I guess I should update this thing. I'm not really sure what direction this blog is gonna go in the next few weeks. It started off as sort of a food hybrid but now I'm feeling like I just want to put up whatever I want :P. That way I'm more apt to post and I have more to post. Today there will be no pictures, no stories, nothing but me saying I'm back and stay tuned!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Our Anniversary! + Mini Recap

We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary on Monday, January 14th. We had such a nice relaxing day. We took an overnight trip to my parents timeshare in Capistrano Beach and G made reservations at The Chart House in Dana Point. It was so good. I had the coconut encrusted Mahi-Mahi. We dined by the window so we had a view of the harbor and the sparkling night lights as we ate. As soon as we stepped in the door we were greeted with Happy Anniversary by the hostess and she handed us commemorative menus that said the same with our date. The waitress even greeted us with it. I guess a little birdie told them :). I would like to go again and try the Hot Chocolate Lava Cake. I saw someone order it and it looks delicious.

The next day we stopped to get my ring cleaned. It is now back to its former blinding glory minus all of the hand washings and whatever else it had to endure on the hand of moi. We also made it to Sprinkles. A few months ago we had an ill fated trip to the one in Beverly Hills. The line to that one was literally out the door and down the sidewalk. This time we stopped at the one in Newport Beach which was surprisingly line free. You can't really stop there and get 1 cupcake especially after all the drama surrounding it so we got the 4 pack-the famous red velvet, peanut butter chip, milk chocolate and vanilla. We decided to cut them in 1/2 so that we could try all the flavors. Cheers to sharing!

**Disney Update**
It's a bug's life!

We did make it to Disney last Thursday and we had a blast. Since it was a random Thursday in January we didn't have to stand around waiting in long lines. The longest wait we had was maybe 15-20 minutes for Star Wars but we flew through the lines of everything else. We were going to eat inside Pirates until we saw the $$$ so we ate at a Cafe in New Orleans instead. It was nice b/c a band even began to play outside on a stage in the seating area. I'm definitely glad we got to squeeze in a trip this month.
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