WE HAVE PROGRESS! The nursery building has finally begun. Yahoo! I'm estatic. My nesting instinct has been in overdrive and we've purchased most of the furniture that we need for the nursery, we just haven't taken it out of the box/ put it together. The boxes have been calling to me, and then I start calling to G. He
finally answered the call and put the dresser together yesterday while I was out registering with my mom. I love how it turned out, and it is the perfect height for diaper changing (it's going to be used for that as well). I saw it in the store, but it was up on a display shelf so I wasn't sure if it was going to be the right height or not(dang spacial distance issues). I can't stop admiring it.

On top of the dresser are two pictures that I had in my room as a child. I'm glad I kept them and the baby gets to use them too. I'll be hanging them up somewhere in the room. I also hung some of the clothes he has received on the handles.

Still don't know where this bike is going to go. I'm afraid if it's too far out of sight I won't ride it anymore :/.
*Update* G just finished putting the bassinet together!! I guess I'll be posting more pics soon.
Yippie! I love that you had those pictures for so long!
Oh this is all so exciting! I love the sentimental value that the pictures have, that's awesome! May babies are fun! : )
How exciting! The pictures are so sweet.
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